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How to Articles for Shopcast

Enable the Sliders on Store’s Front

1. Once the Shopcast app is subscribed for your store. You will be redirected to the Personalized recommendation page where you will Select the pages you want the recommendation sliders to view.

2. After Saving your settings for the sliders. Go to Online store and click on customize.

  1. This will take you to theme editor in which you will Go to app embed page and enable Shopcast for your store front.

  1. Enable Shopcast and Save the settings. If you have Shopify 1.0 theme, the above tasks will enable the Recommendation Sliders for you. However, for Shopify 2.0, you will be required to perform an additional step. Go to Sections Page, select add block and search Shopcast in it. Do this step for Home Page, Product page and cart page respectively.

Customize Recommendation Sliders

If you want to Customize the recommendation Sliders on your StoreFront. You can go to app embed section. Click on the dropdown icon before Shopcast. This will open the settings for your sliders.

We are providing various customization settings for the sliders including general settings of Sliders
1. Header Color Change
2. Alignment
3. Margin (Spacing between different sliders) and Padding (Spacing within sliders)

Headers Font and Size can be adjusted from the same settings. You can also rename the headers as per your need.

You can limit the number of Products you want in slider window for Desktop and Mobile respectively.

The layout design of Sliders can also be changed.

For example

Layout 1.

Layout 2.

Hide Products on Sale

If you want to disable the products on sale from recommendation sliders. You can go to app embed section

and go to hide product on Sale , select the checkbox and save settings

Pricing Configuration

It allows users to customize the pricing for products with specific tags. The user can set different pricing structure and those prices will be reflected in the recommendation carousel for all products with that tag.

For example, let's say a user has an online store that sells clothing. They may have a tag for "unstitch", and they want to offer a custom price on all unstitch products The desired multiplier will change the pricing of products in sliders.

Category Filter

A category filter allows users to sort and filter products based on specific categories/Collection. Category filter help users save time and effort by quickly narrowing down their search results and finding the products that best match their preferences. They also improve the user experience by providing a more personalized and targeted shopping experience.

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