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Release Notes - June 2024

We are pleased to announce the latest enhancement to Shopcast: Product Recommendation, designed to optimize store performance and increase revenue for our merchants.

New Feature: Blog Page Slider

We have introduced an advanced slider for pre-purchase orders, enabling merchants to display product sliders on blogs and article pages. This feature provides a seamless way to showcase products within content, thereby enhancing upselling opportunities and driving additional revenue.

Key Benefits:

  • Enhanced Upselling Opportunities: Showcase relevant products directly within your blog posts and articles to capture customer interest and encourage additional purchases.

  • Increased Revenue Generation: Integrating product displays within content creates more opportunities for product discovery and purchase.

  • Seamless Integration: Easily incorporate product sliders into any blog or article page with minimal setup, ensuring a cohesive and integrated shopping experience for customers.

We are confident that this new feature will significantly benefit your store by driving sales and enhancing the overall customer experience.

Thank you for choosing Shopcast. We remain committed to providing innovative solutions that support your success.


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