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Release Notes - January 2024

New Feature: Recently Viewed Articles Widget

We're excited to kick off the new year with a significant enhancement to your Shopcast experience! In this release, we present the Recently Viewed Articles, a feature carefully crafted to enhance user engagement and drive higher conversion rates.

Access Anytime:

  • The visitors can now seamlessly access their recently viewed articles even after closing the browser. This enhancement aims to provide a continuous and personalized shopping journey.

Driving Increased Sales:

  1. Efficient Product Recall:

    • The widget enables shoppers to quickly recall and revisit recently viewed items, leading to more informed purchasing decisions and, ultimately, increased sales.

  2. Enhanced Shopping Experience:

    • Empowering shoppers to effortlessly reconnect with recently viewed products contributes to a more satisfying shopping experience. Satisfied customers are more likely to complete their purchase journey.

How It Works:

Simply go to the Shopcast app and go to the Recommendation tab. From there you can enable the slider for your Home page, Product page and Cart page.


Enhancement in Top Performing Products Table

The Top Performing Products Table has been redesigned to provide a holistic view of your top-selling products, including quantity sold and total sales. The users can now review the table to effortlessly identify and understand the performance of their top-selling products, facilitating quicker and more informed business decisions.

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