Release Notes - May 2022
As a manager, I want ShopDesk to be integrated with Shopcast so that we can use Shopcast features in the ShopDesk.
The ShopDesk has been fully integrated with Shopcast and the feature of product recommendation is now live. Initially, the users can see the top-rated products on the register screen under the “YOU MAY ALSO LIKE” section. By clicking on them, they can be added to the cart. If the user searches for a product, the relevant products will be shown on the screen that can also be added to the cart.
How to use Shopcast in the ShopDesk:
How to use the Shopcast recommendation engine in ShopDesk
As a user, I want to add purchase product transit qty in the inventory dump, So that we can get the required data
In ShopDesk the user will be able to see the transit quantity of the products in the inventory dump if PO was created against any product. For example, if the user creates a PO against a specific product the In transit qty column in the inventory dump report will tell the user about the qty that is in transit for PO.
As any Store Manager / Cashier, we want to have a Progressive Web Application for ShopDesk to run SD in online/offline mode.
The feature of the Progressive Web Application has been live now. The Progressive web Application will be working as a downloadable app directly from Google Chrome or any browser. It can be used in any platform that uses a standards-compliant browser, including both desktop and mobile devices. The Application can be used in both online and offline modes. Users can use Dashboard, Register Module ( sell and sales history), Stock Control Module, and the E-commerce Module for the online orders in the application.
How-to article for Progressive Web Application:
How to Install and use Progressive Web App in the ShopDesk
As a manager, I want to show invoice notes on continued sales in the Sales history, So that users can get any specific details regarding the invoice
As a manager, I want to show the parent SKU and name in e-commence orders so that users can get the required details about the order
In E-commerce orders, while creating the invoice the user will be able to see the parent SKU and product name of the ordered SKU and also can print the details before creating the invoice which will help the user in the order preparation.
We need to add the ability to Send Emails to the Supplier every time a Purchase order is issued
In ShopDesk when we add a supplier’s profile we add their email address along with some other mandatory fields. While creating PO we add suppliers. As soon as that P.O is approved by an administrator, an email will be sent to the Supplier along with the CSV of the P.O which will be very helpful for the supplier for notifying about the new PO that has been generated.
The image mentioned below is showing the template of the email that the supplier will receive.
As a user, I want the purchase percentage to be shown in view PO So that it can be more convenient to get the required details

As a user, I want the "Open" status to be changed to "In Transit" in PO and STR so that it can be more convenient to inquire about the status

As a developer, I want to validate the XStak token in Shopcast middleware so that XStak can be able to get the response
XStak portal token is validated to get a successful response from shopcast middleware.