Release Notes - September 2022

Release notes - Shopdesk - September 2022
Features & Fixes
MLS product table alignment issue in print invoice -
There was an alignment issue in the invoices generated from E commerce invoice, which was promptly Fixed.
Issue has been Deployed to Live & there are no more alignment issues on the invoices.

Entire deep cycle testing of reporting required. Customer search having issues
Shopdesks top priority is the stability of our product with undisputed reporting and features.
As such, we ran a complete cycle of testing to ensure all reports had accurate figures.

Add product Name Column while creating invoice in E commerce after Barcode scanning.
As per our clients needs, we deliver. Shopdesk has a state of the art Smart barcode reading solution to calculate wastage. As such we added a column to this screen that also shows us the Products name along side SKUs and other information such as pricing.

Add an option of bulk stock update under stock control
We have added a feature on shopdesk which gives us the power to control our stock by bulk!

In sidebar menu move "Register" to top just under the dashboard item and "ecommerce" right after Register
(For the best User experience, we have moved, Register & E commerce modules selections higher up on the Side bar menu)

Add product Name Column while creating invoice in E commerce
(We have added a column to our e commerce invoices, where you will also be able to see the Product name along side the SKU of the product being sold, this can help ensure no mistakes were made during scanning and the customer has purchased the product they set out for !)

Add customer name under inside print invoice
(The Invoices will now reflect Customer name when printed / re generated)

As a User i want to be able to Invoice multiple E commerce orders in one go
(Multiple Orders can now be invoices together on Shopdesk)

Add Help Links under Regulatory Configuration
(New Helping Notes and columns are added to Shop desk)

Fixing bulk po issue in case of soft deleted products
(We faced an issue where Bulk Purchase order processing was showing incorrect pricing, this issue was resolved asap)

Wastage and invoicing feature only to exist if quantity metric is on in configuration
(wastage settings and features will now only be available when the qty metric is turned on)

Ability to select multiple orders and make invoice directly from E commerce Tab
(We can now select multiple E commerce invoices and invoice or return them together in one go)

Move action button to left side of the screen in ecommerce orders
(To make things more user friendly, We here at shopdesk have moved the action button in E-commerce orders to the left side of the screen, this way the user wont have to spend alot of time scrolling back and forth)

Add Filters in e commerce orders column
(New filters to see which orders and completed, Pending or Returned on Shopdesk)

Update Screen loader
(Shopdesk now has a new Loader gif)
In sidebar menu move "Register" to top just under the dashboard item and "ecommerce" right after Register
(To make register more accessible we have moved register up on the module sidebar to save time)

Add FBR Type Dropdown In setup module
(FBR configurations now easier than ever to conduct)