Release Notes - June 2023
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Release notes - Shopdesk - June 2023
We released some exciting new features and enhancements in the month of June for our clients to use and make their operations Super Easy going forward. You will find below the description of what went live and their sample Screen shots for clarity
We now support multiple languages to Save Product information on Shopdesk.|
Shopdesk now has the ability to store product data in any Language including Arabic. This can be done Individually as well as for Bulk operations. Please see Screenshot 1.1 below for Reference.1.1
2. Auto Add Scanned products to STR creation.
We have added a new enhancement to the STR creation page where we now have the ability to automatically add products to the STR being created as we continue to scan products. The purpose behind this is to ensure Maximum productivity is achieved by saving time.
Please see screenshot 2.1 below.

3. Product attributes are now visible when we search them on the Purchase order & STR page
To make product searches more convenient we enhanced the search feature on the products field to show us the product attributes as well. This option of course is only visible whilst creating a P.O or STR individually. Please see screenshot 3.1 below.

4. Ability to define a products unit & expected weight if QTY metric is enabled.
We had a requirement to have the ability to define the unit & expected weight of a product incase the quantity metric feature is turned on, this enhancement on the UI is only when creating products individually from the Products page on Shopdesk.
Please see screenshot 4.1 below.

Milestones - Checklists (Add next months targeted milestones)
New Register UI.
Invoice email to be sent to customer in PDF format.
Revamped Advance feature.
Category locking Ability.
Product / Invoice level Discounts configurations.
More dynamic new dashboard enhancements.
Please stay tuned for some really exciting new features coming soon next month !!!