Release Notes - July 2023
Release notes - Shopdesk - July 2023
We released some exciting new features and enhancements in the month of July for our clients to use and make their operations Super Easy going forward. You will find below the description of what went live and their sample Screen shots for clarity
Products uploaded with Individual Inventory per location Defined:
Shopdesk's Bulk upload feature now has the ability to define the quantities for different locations individually as per requirement while Uploading the products initially.
We will have to check the box, as highlighted in Screenshot 1.1 below and download the template accordingly to proceed.

Products Created on Shopdesk with any inventory will now simultaneously be created on OE:
In an attempt to get one step closer to Seamless operations between our POS system and our OMS system, we have added the enhancement where if a product is created on Shopdesk with any “X” amount of Inventory it will simultaneously be created on OE.
This will help us get rid of any possible inventory Discrepancies we can expect in the future.
Please see screenshot 2.1 below.

3. Inventory to be deducted when we Park a sale (Configurable):
Shopdesk now has the ability to deduct quantity for all products when a sale is Parked. This feature is obviously configureable as we understand that not all Clients may want to deduct inventory for their products when a sale is parked.
Please see screenshot 3.1 & 3.2 below:


4. New role to restrict BI Dashboard Access:
We have successfully enabled SD with a new user role that restricts the user from viewing Dashboard Analytical tiles.
Please see screenshot 4.1 Below:

5. Cash management entries Exported Report:
Shopdesk now has the ability to export all cash management entries in a CSV status.
Please see screenshot 5.1 below:

6. Changed returned order status on OE & Shopify:
If an order is marked return in store on Shopdesk, We now have the ability to change the status of that same order on OE as well as Shopify.
You got that right, this is yet another step towards seamless omni channel operations.
Please see screenshot 6.1 below:

Milestones - Checklists (Add next months targeted milestones)
New Register UI.
New Exchange flow.
Invoice email to be sent to customer in PDF format.
Revamped Advance feature.
Category locking Ability.
Product / Invoice level Discounts configurations.
More dynamic new dashboard enhancements.
Please stay tuned for some really exciting new features coming soon next month !!!