Release Notes - August 2023
Release notes - Shopdesk - August 2023
We released some exciting new features and enhancements in the month of August for our clients to use and make their operations Super Easy going forward. You will find below the description of what went live and their sample Screen shots for clarity:
New Dashboard filters & Features:
Shopdesk's BI Dashboard has some exciting new features and filters to fetch data as per requirements.
Please see Screenshot 1.1 below:

Brand new register design:
In an attempt to get one step closer to Seamless operations for our POS system, we have launched the new overhauled version of our Register screen. You will now have a separate screen to select MOPs, & it will enable us to make less unforeseen errors:
Please see screen shots 2.1 - 2.4 below:




2.4 (MOP selection pop up)
Ability to enable / disable Product & Invoice level Discounts and Setup discount ceiling:
Shopdesk now has the ability to Enable / Disable product / invoice level discounts on the register through outlet settings, under product configurations.
We can also now setup a ceiling for discounts, so a cashier will be restricted and cant possible give a discount higher than the ceiling setup.
Please see screenshot 3.1 below:

Advance / Balance Payment feature:
We have successfully enabled SD with a brand new feature for Advance / Balance payments against invoices through the register.
This feature can be accessed through customer lay-by mode of payment.
Please see screenshot 4.1 below:

Milestones - Checklists (Add next months targeted milestones)
New Exchange flow.
Invoice email to be sent to customer in PDF format.
More dynamic new dashboard enhancements.
New Invoice configurations
Timezone implementation
Postman collection for ERP integration
Please stay tuned for some really exciting new features coming soon next month !!!