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Order creation via File

Please find the video's instructions for the process of Order creation via file

Please find documented instructions below the video.

  • Click on Order management tab from sidebar.

  • In Pending orders tab click on action via file.

  • Click on ‘'Upload File to create orders’'.

  • Download the sample file from the sample file. Enter the details according to file format.

  • In Excel file you should keep short key with every order whenever you are uploading the file.

  • You will put Order Id in order ID section in Excel

  • You will enter all the further details like Item SKU, Name, Quantity, Price everything for that.

  • You can calculate Total item Price by multiplying Item Quantity with Item Price for example: If you have Item quantity 1 for SKU123 and Item Price 2000 so your Total Item price will be 2000.

  • You can calculate Total Order Discount by adding Total Item Discount for example: You have Total Item Discount 200 for SKU123 and Total Item Discount 100 for SKU421 then Total Order Discount will be 300.

  • You can calculate Total Order by subtracting the sum of Total Order Discount from the Total item Price for example: If you have sum of Total Order Discount 300 and sum of Total item Price 2000 then Total Order will be 1700.

  • If you do not have anything just put zero or write default for that instead of leaving it empty.

  • And at the end save the file.

  • Click on file you want to upload

  • Click Upload


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