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Instructions for clients on Plugd platform

1. XAP credentials:

Portal login URL:
Account ID: This will be sent in account activation email
Email address: Brand email
Password: password which was set during account activation process

  1. Steps to fetch keys from the portal:

You can fetch keys from the XAP portal by following these instructions :

  • Navigate to Settings Tab:

  • Select Store Info:

  • Within the Settings menu, locate and select the Store Info option. This will direct you to the store-related settings.

  • Click on Key Details:
    In the Store Info section, find and click on the Key Details tab or button. This will bring up the details related to various keys and secrets.

Retrieve Keys and Secrets:

  • In the Key Details section, you will find the following important keys and secrets:
    a. Public Key
    b. Secret Key
    c. API HMAC Secret
    d. Webhook HMAC Secret

  1. e2e flow:

Please find the video link below for the onboarding process. This link provides a walkthrough of the staging environment, which you can use to onboard to your live store:

Please find below the video instructions for e2e flow :

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