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FAQs - Payment Intent creation

Q1: When should the Payment Intent (PI) be created during the payment process?
A: The Payment Intent (PI) should ideally be created when the customer clicks on the Pay Now button.

Q2: Why is it incorrect to create the PI as soon as the checkout page loads?
A: Creating the PI as soon as the checkout page loads can lead to unnecessary complications, such as expired or unused PIs, which could impact the overall payment experience.

Q3: What is the recommended approach for creating a PI?
A: It is recommended to create the PI:

  1. When the customer selects the debit/credit card option and the SDK loads, or

  2. Preferably, when the customer clicks on the Pay Now button to finalize the payment.

This approach ensures accuracy and aligns the payment intent with the customer's action, reducing potential errors or inefficiencies.

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