FAQs - JazzCash integration
What is the valid value for pp_ Bill Reference?
This error appears for Jazzcash client, and this is an error from JC end. There are two reasons (a) Special characters in OrderID (b) OrderID length exceeds from 20 characters. PFA this error appeared because of special character in Transaction/order ID i.e 47606,414507

.And in some cases this error (inValid value for pp_BillReference) appears when : The length of orderID exceeds from 20 characters so, OrderId characters should be less than or equal to 20 characters. e.g.
Laam order_reference : laamec12924e40d0b3569a33 is invalid
What should be the SDK version for JazzCash integration for fusion clients?
Ans: For JazzCash integration it should be V2 SDK (https://js.xstak.com/v2/xpay-stage.js
npm i @xstak/xpay-element-stage-v2).
What are the mock creds for making payment on JC?
How can we find the PI ID from the XAP portal?
Ans: We can add PI ID from the XAP portal from the Payment Intent module: