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Release Notes - November 2024

🚀 Feature Updates and Fixes: XStak OMS

This month, we’ve focused on improving the tracking page experience for customers by addressing a bug, enhancing usability, and introducing new features to provide more transparency and convenience.

📋 What’s New?

Time Display Bug Fix

  • The tracking page now accurately displays the Order Creation Time and Order Update Time.

  • This ensures customers have the correct timeline for their order processing and updates.

Pre-Selected Tracking or Return Option

  • To improve the user experience, either "Tracking" or "Return" will now be pre-selected by default on the tracking page.

  • This reduces an unnecessary click, making the process faster and more intuitive for customers.

Shipping Amount Display

  • Customers can now view the Shipping Amount directly on the tracking page, providing greater clarity on their order’s cost breakdown.

Order Total Display

  • The tracking page now also shows the Order Total, giving customers a complete overview of their purchase, including product costs and additional charges.


🌟 Why These Updates Matter

  • Improved Transparency: Clearer information about order details builds trust with customers.

  • Enhanced User Experience: Reducing click and showing key data upfront makes navigating the tracking page easier and more efficient.

  • Better Communication: Accurate timestamps and cost details help end-customers stay informed, reducing confusion and support inquiries.

These updates are designed to further streamline the order tracking process and enhance the overall shopping experience for your customers.

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