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Introduction to Shipstak

Shipstak by XStak revolutionizes Shopify shipping management, offering unparalleled efficiency and accuracy. With its intuitive features, this app ensures a seamless experience for both merchants and customers.

Key Features:

  1. One-Upload Efficiency: Say goodbye to repetitive manual entry on Shopify. With Shipstak, merchants can input their shipping rates once via CSV, saving time and effort while maintaining consistent and updated rates effortlessly.

  2. Weight & Quantity-Based Calculations: Gone are the days of overcharging or undercharging for shipping. Shipstak automatically adjusts shipping fees based on the weight and quantity of items in the order, guaranteeing fair and precise charges for every transaction.

  3. Checkout Transparency: Transparent shipping costs are crucial for a smooth checkout process. Shipstak ensures clear and concise shipping information is displayed at checkout, reducing customer confusion and cart abandonment rates.

  4. Service Type: It allows merchants to offer their customers 2 distinct service types: Standard and Express Shipping. Now, merchants can provide their customers with the option to choose between standard and express shipping rates based on their delivery preferences. Additionally, merchants can customize service descriptions for both service types, providing clarity and transparency to their customers.

  5. Location-wise Shipping Rates: We understand the importance of efficient inventory management for merchants. With our latest update, merchants can now set shipping rates based on the location of their products. By assigning inventory locations of products directly from the Shopify admin, each location serves as a distinct warehouse, enabling merchants to tailor shipping rates according to product location. This feature streamlines logistics and ensures accurate shipping costs for both merchants and customers


Shipstak by XStak is a game-changer for Shopify merchants seeking to streamline their shipping operations. By simplifying the setup and maintenance of carrier rates through a single CSV upload, Shipstak eliminates the complexity often associated with shipping management.

In summary, Shipstak is an indispensable tool for any Shopify store looking to optimize its shipping strategy. By simplifying processes, enhancing accuracy, and improving transparency,

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