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How to Enable Post-Purchase Extensions with Simstak in Your Shopify Store

To activate a post-purchase extension in your Shopify store, follow these steps:

  1. Access Shopify Settings: Log in to your Shopify admin dashboard and go to the Settings section.

  2. Navigate to Post Purchase: Scroll down and locate the Post Purchase section.

  3. Select Simstak: Choose Simstak from the available options.

  4. Save Your Settings: Confirm and save your settings to enable the post-purchase extension.


How to Set Up Upselling on the Post-Purchase Page with Simstak

Simstak offers a powerful upselling feature on the post-purchase page to help you increase your average order value. To enable upselling:

  1. Access Simstak Configuration: Go to the Simstak configuration page in your Shopify admin.

  2. Enable Upselling: Follow the instructions on the configuration page to set up and customize your upselling offers.


How to Customize the CTA on Your Post-Purchase Page

To personalize the Call-to-Action (CTA) button on your post-purchase page:

  1. Navigate to Sales Channels: In your Shopify admin, go to the Sales Channels section.

  2. Customize Online Store: Select Online Store and then click on Customize. This will redirect you to the theme editor.

  3. Edit Checkout Page: From the dropdown menu, choose the Checkout Page.

  4. Modify CTA Buttons: On the left sidebar, locate the Buttons section. Adjust the CTA button settings according to your preferences.


By following these steps, you can effectively customize and optimize your post-purchase experience using Simstak in your Shopify store.

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