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Release Notes - July 2022

Release notes - OmniRetain(LMS) - Version 2.2.5


Give Multiple Discounts within One Rule

  • You can now give multiple discounts using one pre-condition.

Promotional Rule’s sorting technique is updated.

Every time a rule is updated the rules will be now sorted according to the latest revised rule.

You will be notified if you try to add a new rule in the expired promo to ensure all promos reach the customer.

  • Previously you were not notified if you were adding a rule to an expired promotion.

  • Now you will not be able to add rules to the expired promotions and you will be notified so that you can update the promotion accordingly.

FIXED: Point Expiry Extension updated to complete the operation smoothly.

  • Multiple issues including invalid date issues fixed in point expiration extension

Role Settings Updated to ensure security cross-company.

  • Internal system improvement to include increased security on the admin panel.

Enrollment Promotions Updated.

  • You will now be able to use the enrollment promotions seamlessly.

Promotion search default to promotion name

  • Our Data shows that you and other customers search the promotions using the name most often. To ease up your life we have made this default.

FIXED: You can now enable and disable the rules on the next page of promos.

  • Previously there was an issue while updating the rules of promotion on the next page, this issue is now fixed.

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