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Release Notes - October 2022

Release notes - Omni Retain LMS - Version 2.5.11 - 21st Oct, 2022


Feature : Using Single Email to onboard Multiple Companies on Omniretain

Previously a single client could only onboard a company using a unique email address. This was an issue for companies running under a single holding business. Now you will be able to onboard multiple companies using the same and use the same email with Account_ID feature to log in to XAP Portal


Feature : Rollback for wrongly onboarded company.

Entered some corrupted data while onboarding a new company? No worries, Our newest feature will automatically detect any corrupted data and roll back that operation so that you can onboard the company with correct data.

Feature : Earn and Earn Reversal Updates

We know loyalty is all about giving the customer right cashback at the right amount. It is also important to keep the points updated when the customers make returns.

With New Earning and Earning Reversal rule you can help your customer earn points on the go and deduct the points when they make return. All the Rewards of the customer are also adjusted accordingly.

Feature : Points Activation for specific Order

Want to provide the best loyalty experience to your customer, Don’t wait for the set period for points activation. Just let us know which order was completed and we will activate the points for that specific order only.

*@marketing team you can create graphic for this feature*

Feature : Active and Pending Points Breakdown

Your customer is confused on how many points they can actually use? We got you, Our latest API update will now give the break down of Active and Pending Points.

*@marketing team you can create graphic for this feature*

 Fix: Single Member Appearance on Member listing

On rare occasion, only one member was appearing on member listing while the company had more loyal members. This issue has been fixed.

Milestones! - Next Week

  • Ability to setup Promotion for specific Time zone.
  • Ability to setup multi-region loyalty program.
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