Release Notes - February 2022
Live Deployments
1. Thickness of Item on Packing Slip & in Order Dump
Due to a new feature addition on brand’s website i.e. Addition of “Thickness” dropdown for the individual item, brand wanted to reflect the information on OE too, in Courier Packing Slips & Order Dump.


2. “In Picking” tab Issues resolution
Brand faced irregular figures in Sales Percentage & Total Item PKR column in the Scanning Sheet, for which the fixes were deployed.
3. Prices didn’t get Updated in Default Inventory Update
Brand faced issue when upon updating prices through Default Inventory Update, the prices got updated in OE, but failed to reflect on brand’s Shopify webstore.
Two resolutions were provided to that problem:
An immediate fix was deployed.
Plan to revamp OE’s Inventory Updation functionality was kicked-off (Currently in Testing Phase), so that brands don’t have to face such issue in the future.
4. Updation in OE’s Price API for Taxation
Integration with brand’s ERP required updation in OE’s Price APIs to handle taxation related dependencies.
5. Inventory Batch
Integration with brand’s ERP required fix in Inventory Batch for OE’s Price APIs.

6. Order Cancellation Remark
In addition to the Double Check on cancellation, Order Cancellation remarks are also added. So, if a user of the brand is cancelling an order, he/she either has to a choose an option from the dropdown, or write a custom remark (upon selecting “Others” option from dropdown) on why the order is getting cancelled, so that the visibility can be established for the future.

7. Order Return with Remarks
An order can be marked as “Return” in Dispatched Orders tab. Former flow was that the user selects an order or orders in bulk, presses the Return button, & orders were moved to the Returned Orders tab. This flow was prone to human error, as pressing Return button by mistake caused the orders move to Returned Orders tab, which was problematic because orders can’t be reverted back from Returned Orders tab, they can only be rebooked.
Now, a double check has added after the Return button is pressed. User has to manually type “Return” to confirm that the order needs to be moved into Returned Orders tab.
In addition to that, built-in reasons for returning are added too. User has to select one of the reasons, or have to type a custom remark, in order to ensure that the order is getting marked as returned legitimately.

8. Return Report with Remarks
All the orders that are marked return, with remarks on it, & move to the Returned Orders tab, can be downloaded in an excel file, for reconciliation purposes.

9. Auto-Rebooking Functionality
Before, in order to rebook an order present in the Returned Orders tab, upon clicking the Rebook button, OE takes the order to Courier Booking tab, where it used to be booked again manually, then it was manually processed, & then moved to the Pending Dispatch tab. This flow was a hassle, & resulted in wasting of time.
Now, a toggle button of “Auto Book on Rebook” is introduced in General section of Brand Settings.
If this is toggled on, upon clicking the Rebook button in Returned Orders tab, OE automatically books the order on the same courier it was booked before, & then make it directly falls into Pending Dispatch tab, ready to be dispatched. This saves the manual effort & time.

10. Insta World Courier Integration
A new courier partner, Insta World has been integrated with OE.
11. Custom DHL Rule for USA
On brand’s request, a custom rule for DHL courier i.e. “30% & not more than 750” was configured for the orders of USA region.