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How to perform bulk actions via file

File format for bulk order Deliver:


  1. Enter the details according to the file format

  2. In an Excel file, you should keep the short key with every order whenever you are uploading the file.

  3. You will put the Order ID in the Order ID section in Excel if you want to deliver.

  4. Enter the order action in the order action section.

  5. The Excel file format should be csv.

  6. And at the end save the file.


File format for bulk order Return:


  1. Enter the details according to the file format

  2. In an Excel file, you should keep the short key with every order whenever you are uploading the file.

  3. You will put the Order ID in the Order ID section in Excel if you want to return.

  4. Enter the order action in the order action section.

  5. The Excel file format should be csv

  6. And at the end save the file.


File format for bulk order other actions(verify, cancel):


  1. Enter the details according to the file format

  2. In an Excel file, you should keep the short key with every order whenever you are uploading the file.

  3. You will put the Order ID in the Order ID section in Excel for other actions like cancel, and verify.

  4. Enter the order action in the order action section.

  5. The Excel file format should be csv

  6. And at the end save the file.


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